

询问客户销量前,先确定是问哪些产品在哪段时间内的销量。例如您可以说:"Could you please let me know the sales figures for your XXX products from January to March this year?" 或者"What was the sales volume of your YYY model in the last quarter?" 将产品和时间范围明确表述出来有助于客户准确回答您的询问。


一个企业的销量来源可能包括线下门店、网上商城、销售代表等不同渠道。所以在询问时可以明确问道不同渠道的销售情况,这样客户回答的数据将更全面和具体。例如:"How did the sales of this product perform on your website versus in physical stores last month?" 或者"Could you give me a breakdown of the sales figures by region/province/state for the past 6 months?"


了解销量原因有助于您更好地把握客户需求。所以在获得纯粹的销量数据后,可以追问原因,例如:"What do you think were the main factors that contributed to this sales volume?" 或者"Was there any particular marketing campaign or season that pushed the sales during that period?" 寻找影响销量的关键因素。


了解历史销量外,了解客户对未来几期销量的预估同样重要。这有助于您做好资源的安排和计划。例如您可以说:"Based on previous sales trends as well as factors you foresee in the coming months, what is your sales forecast/projection for the next quarter/half year?" 同时也可以询问客户销量可能受什么因素影响:"What factors do you think could impact the sales upwards or downwards in the next few months?"


在了解基础销量数据之后,了解客户中长期的成长空间和未来需求也非常重要。这有助于您搞清客户需求的潜在发展方向,为深入拓展业务奠定基础。例如您可以问:"Apart from existing product lines, what other customer needs do you foresee arising in the long run?" 或 "Where do you see the greatest growth potentials for this category over the next 2-3 years?"积极了解客户未来需求的变化趋势。


了解客户销量和预测之后,可以进一步询问对潜在合作的想法,这为深入商谈奠定基础。例如可以说:"Based on the sales data and growth potential we have discussed, what are your thoughts on potentially strengthening our partnership going forward?"或者"How can we as suppliers better support your sales and business growth over the long term through deeper cooperation?"通过询问客户对深化合作的想法,为下一步细谈奠定基础。


最后不论客户是否提供所需信息,一定要真诚感谢客户抽出宝贵时间回答问题。这有助于维护良好的合作关系。例如可以说:"Thank you so much for taking the time to share these sales insights with us. We really appreciate you providing this level of transparency and feedback to help us serve you better."或者"I'm grateful for your openness in our discussion. Please feel free to share any other need that comes up - we aim to be helpful partners."以说声感谢告终,以示尊重。



Could you please let me know the sales figures for your XXX products from January to March this year?


What was the sales volume of your YYY model in the last quarter?


How did the sales of this product perform on your website versus in physical stores last month?


Could you give me a breakdown of the sales figures by region/province/state for the past 6 months?


What do you think were the main factors that contributed to this sales volume?

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