
Regular Communication Is Key

As a old client, they have worked with you before so maintaining regular communication is important. Send them a brief update on new products you have via email or WeChat at least once a month. Ask about how things are going on their end and if they have any needs you can fulfill. This helps keep your business top of mind for when they are ready to place another order.

Understand Their Business Needs

Give them a call and have a conversation to better understand how business is going for them and what challenges they may be facing. You want to position yourself as a partner who can help solve problems, not just sell products. Ask thoughtful questions and truly listen to understand their current priorities and pain points. They will appreciate you taking a genuine interest beyond just trying to get an order.

Offer Special Discounts or Packages

To entice an old client to place another order, offer them an exclusive discount, bundle of products, or package deal only available for a limited time. For example, you could put together packages of your top 3 best selling products at a discounted rate. Or offer a certain percentage off their entire order if they place it by a certain date. Give them a strong incentive to purchase now versus waiting.

Share Client Testimonials

People buy from people they know, like, and trust. Share some positive testimonials or case studies from other satisfied clients they can relate to. Highlight what challenges other clients were facing and how working with your helped solve problems and grow their business. Seeing real success stories from peers in their industry can give them more confidence in your products and services.

Suggest New Product Ideas

Ask if you can brainstorm with them on new product or market opportunities. As a supplier, you may see emerging trends before the client. Offer to create some custom product concepts tailored to what you think could help grow their business based on your industry expertise. Having innovative ideas shows you are a proactive partner always looking for new ways to support their goals.

Follow Up After the Sale

Don't just disappear after they place an order. Follow up a few weeks later to see how things are going and if they need any support. Ask for feedback on their experience as well to continuously improve your services. Staying top of mind in the long run helps ensure they will keep coming back to you for future orders versus trying new suppliers. Consistent follow up care helps maintain strong client relationships over time.












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